Dance Dimensions began in the basement of Char's home in September of 1978. It was called Kendall Dance Studio because it was located in the Kendall school district.
There were 26 students attending that first year. Performances were held in Cranberry Park as well as neighborhood schools.
In 1985 the studio moved to Main Street and became Dance Dynamics.
Two years later Char formed a partnership with Dar Russo and the studio became known as Dance Dimensions. Dar has since moved to Florida, Char is deeply grateful for all the years she spent teaching with Dar.
In 2009, Dance Dimensions celebrated its thirtieth anniversary teaching the art of dance.
In January 2015, Dance Dimensions moved into its new home at 15 Cross Street in Norwalk, Connecticut
In 2020 when going into COVID Lockdowns Dance Dimensions received Certification from the State of Connecticut to reopen our doors abiding by all COVID regulations. Dance Dimensions is happy to announce we are back to normal classes (masked up) and are excited to continue dancing together as a community!
After the Dance Dimensions studio is flooded, alumnus Emily Fanwick marshals together the community to raise over $5,000 through GoFundMe to offset the costs of a brand new dance floor. Pictured above: Char (owner & founder) with her new floor.